5 Reasons Why Your Life Sucks

If your life sucks, that means your mind is reacting to stressors and hardships. A lot of people don’t know what it means for life to suck, but if you do, it means your body and mind are having a reaction to the world around it. Whatever you’re getting out of life isn’t satisfying you. So, here are four reasons why your life might suck. I’ll offer some solutions at the end of the article.

“My life sucks”

This isn’t something that many self-respecting adults will say out loud, but it’s definitely a feeling many young adults likely experience and can relate to. For most people, this is a fleeting feeling. I know a lot of older people. Most of them are pretty happy. Life being hard at the beginning is a natural reality. You know less, you’re less resilient, and you have fewer skills. The older you get, the easier things get, if you’re doing the right things. I’ve personally found that things have gotten easier as I’ve aged. The path to making money has gotten clearer, and I can see my hard working paying off every single day.

You have no skills

This one is a killer. If you don’t have any skills, life gets exponentially more difficult. You can’t earn money, because absolutely nobody will hire you. If you do get hired, it’s going to be doing low-end work. Try to learn a skill, that way you can either earn a high wage, or be able to earn money in your sleep. When you know a skill, life is more comfortable. Things are easy, and simple. You still have to work hard, but at least you have a rough idea of what you have to do. Having no skills is the worst. Make sure you learn something about the world before you jump into the workforce. The world is really rough when you don’t know anything.

You have no money

Life is a lot better when you have money. Wherever you are, you probably want to be in at least the top 10 or 20% in your country when it comes to wealth. It sounds materialistic, but it matters. Increased wealth means increased comfort and security. You can take risks, follow your passions, and live the life of your dreams when you have money. This simply isn’t possible when you’re poor.

You’re a pushover

If you can’t stand up for yourself, you’re always going to be exhausted. I didn’t stand up for myself enough as a young man, and it made a lot of aspects of my life miserable. Fighting for myself in other ways has allowed my life to become tolerable in other ways. Life isn’t kind to pushovers. Might is right. If you’re a pushover, you need to learn to get mentally stronger. Don’t let people take advantage of your time and resources. Selfish people earn more money than unselfish people, and live better lives as a result. Put your foot down on stuff.

You aren’t doing the things you enjoy

This is usually a result of lacking money. When you have the money to go the places you want to go, you do the things you want to do. It’s pretty simple. Some people get lost in the throes of addiction. Money means nothing when you can’t control yourself. You want to know what you like in life when you’re young. The only way to do this is to “live life at full speed”. This is a tricky concept to explain. You just have to be open to new experiences.

You’re in poor health

I used to suffer from chronic back pain. it was a terrible experience that changed me for the worse. I had less energy, I was irritable, and I couldn’t focus. I also wasn’t very optimistic about the future, because I was always in pain. Being in poor health sucks. The older you get, the more serious it gets. This is why you should work hard and stay focused when you’re young. It makes a huge difference when you’re not working like a dog in order to get by.

Life sucks sometimes. It happens to the best of us. Oftentimes, the solution is to just “work” your way out of it. Work, in this case, doesn’t mean putting in long hours. It means focusing intensely. If you focus on your problems, you can solve them. I’ve been able to solve my back pain and reverse-engineer a business for myself using this method. Even if I’m forced to stop writing now. I can get a job and make a great living for myself, in conjunction with my articles. It’s taken a decent amount of work, but I’ve been able learn what I’ve needed to learn in order to make it happen. My life sucks a lot less than 5 years ago, and 5 years from now it should sucks less than it does today. It’s doable if you’re consistent. Just make sure you put in the work.

Thanks for paying attention.

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