How To Make Money Online: Expect Things to Get More Difficult

Making money online is likely to be the solution to many people’s problems in the future. A lot of people complain about how the internet has become a giant shopping mall. The point of this complaint is to highlight the fact that there’s a much more noticeable commercial aspect to the internet, and that a lot of the competition has disappeared. Most people do most of their shopping on Amazon. In China, a lot of the ecommerce industry is controlled by Alibaba. Most websites, blogs, and YouTube Channels don’t get much traffic. It feels as though it’s getting tougher and tougher to make money online with each passing day. The major players have the game sown up. I think things are set to get harder, especially if you’re trying to make six figures or more online.

More people online means more bots

Right now, about a third of the web is bot traffic. Probably approaching 40%. A lot of these bots are good bots. These bots search the web and find good content and create links. On the flipside, new webmasters will likely have to wade through a lot of bot visitors before they start getting any real traffic. I’m getting about 1,000 bot visitors per day. It’s really weird, to be honest. But I guess that’s the web. Making money online, in the early stages, will likely feel like you’re wading through a few bots.

Africa rising = more traffic for less money

Like it or not, Africa is the future of human population growth, and therefore likely the future of advancements in quality of life. You can expect to see more online traffic from Africa because you can expect to see more people being born in Africa. Those people will buy computers and cellphones and use the internet. But they will be broke. This means that you won’t get paid a lot for the massive amounts of traffic that you bring in. It’s a tough scene. The only way to get around it is to drive a lot of traffic.

Smaller publishers will, again, find themselves being squeezed out

Prices aren’t likely to fall in first world countries. Jobs might improve, and the welfare state might expand, but I would count on prices remaining high for as long as currencies like the dollar, euro, and pound exist. This means that writing in order to follow one’s passion is quite unlikely to work unless you’re living in a poorer country. And even then. Right now, a good chuck of global ecommerce revenue is on Amazon. If you want to make a decent income from ecommerce, you need either a decent amount of traffic or a decent number of products. Likely both. Smaller publishers will need to lay people off or put people on temporary contracts in order to survive. Expect a lot more one-man companies to pop up.

Those who can stick it out will succeed

If you can create your own website and platform, and you have the discipline to create a lot of good, timeless content, you can win. That’s for sure. The internet is becoming a winner take all game, but I can see that changing as more and more people learn how the internet works. People living in developing countries have yet to fully access things like ecommerce. But it’s happening, slowly but surely. Now is the time to build an audience online, because in the future you’ll be able to sell a lot of things to that audience. Additionally, simply having created content will give you an advantage, because that content can always earn you money.

The world is changing rapidly, and it’s been really intense. The pandemic destroyed the world economy, and we’re still recovering as a collective. There’s a lot of fat in the corporate and business worlds that can be trimmed, and many people are seeing their living standards drop as a result. Lots of people are struggling to get jobs, and when they do they find that salaries are low. This means they have less money to spend on discretionary expenses. The only way to make money online is to work really hard and create the biggest business you possibly can. This is because even successful online small businesses still don’t make all that much money, as of 2024. But you can create something if you work hard. You just need to be decidedly better than most. It’s simple, but not easy. All this being said, I’m optimistic that hard workers with a good attitude will weather the storm.

Thanks for paying attention.

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