Sack Up: Good Advice for Most Young Men

A lot of young men need to sack up. It’s pretty obvious, from the content that that goes around the internet nowadays. Young men don’t want to focus, they don’t want to work hard, and many of them want to wallow. This is a pretty big generalization, but I am a pretty young man, and I’ve interacted with a lot of young men. It’s pretty depressing. A lot of them are losers. A lot of the ones who aren’t losers are unscrupulous. Barely anyone seems to be finishing school or getting much done educationally. There’s a good amount of drinking and smoking going on, but not much energy being put into contributing to society. Things don’t seem to be getting much better, as we see more and more fields being objectively dominated by women. Parenting is the main cause of this problem, from what I’ve observed. The collective parenting that a lot of young men get is either nonexistent or abusive. All that being said, if you’re an adult, you’re an adult. In which case the expression to “sack up” applies to you.

What does it mean to sack up?
It’s a slang term. It basically means to “man up”, or “cowboy up”. To become stronger, tougher, or more resolute. There’s probably an allusion to your ” other” sack in there somewhere, but who knows. In today’s era, a lot of people have come to associate masculinity with toxicity, for some rational, but overblown reasons. In reality, having a lot of idle men has led to an increase of men who are bad citizens. Think school shooters, drug addicts, OnlyFans subscribers, video game addicts. It seems counterintuitive, but they and the world would be much better off if they toughened up.

The world has gotten a lot safer for men

In the past, more men used to die. A lot of us used to go to war. When there wasn’t war, manual labor is hard, long, and dangerous. Nowadays, men have the privilege to sit at home and complain about wages, politics, and women. In the past, we didn’t get the time to think or enjoy ourselves. We were disposable and our bodies were on the line. None of us should be complaining in 2024. Most men in the world don’t have to even serve in the military, let alone go to war. With a bit more technological advancement and campaigning, men might soon even be safe from their own self-inflicted wounds.

A lot of men expect to be rewarded for existing

And doing the bare minimum. Engaging in productive activities is really the difference between who gets ahead and who doesn’t. Some people have access to opportunities to engage in productive activities and skip over them. Others never get exposed to opportunities. Regardless, there is an underclass of men that can be found in every country that is simply looking to live off of others.

Realize that life isn’t a movie

If you dedicate your life to making a gazillion dollars and joining the financial elite, there’s a decent chance of you running into problems. It’s not because money is evil, it’s just life. Everybody is human. Nobody is superhuman. What are the odds that you’re a top 1% income earner and top 10% father? About .1%. The numbers might shake out differently due to a variety of factors, but those are the raw odds. The chances of you making $50 million, banging 3,000 women, and settling into a marriage with a hot 18-year-old super model at the age of 50 are super low. Set some realistic goals and work hard to achieve them. Feeling like you’ve been shortchanged by life before you’ve gotten started is weird.

You don’t need a lot of money to date cute women

This seems to be a big mental block for a lot of guys. They see a lot of guys with money dating hot women, and they are daunted by the prospect of needing to “keep up” with them. So they give. They drink and smoke. Maybe they even pay for sex. It’s a terrible, sad scene. The facts are that you don’t need a lot of money to date cute women. If you make 1.5x the median income in your city, you can get a girl even if you’re kind of ugly. 3x, you’re good, 80% or more of women are in your league. 5x or more and all of your girlfriends should be super attractive. I got these numbers from, now bowtiedbull on X. They work. You need to work hard if you want to date high maintenance women in their 20s, but you don’t need money pouring out of your ears just to live a happy life with a normal girlfriend.

The difference between the top 20% and the bottom 80% is simply work habits and consistency

Some people don’t have the proper work environment to succeed. They never get the chance to work consistently. Others just aren’t in the game. If you choose to engage in the correct activities for about 10-14 year after high school, you can live a great life. A lot of people don’t have an education. A lot of people don’t like doing manual labor. It’s not hard to put yourself in a position in which you’re “showing up” more than most. If you want to live a better life, keep it simple. Get stronger, improve your work habits, and learn a basic skill.

The life you want to live is on the other side of comfort

If you’re down as a man, there’s a high chance that you just need to toughen up. Life is hard, and it throws you a bunch of curveballs, but it’s not that hard either. This is the best time in human history to be alive. Simply being a young male in 2024 is a blessing, even if it doesn’t always feel like it. You just have to put your head down and work hard. Sack up. Don’t be a pussy. Don’t allow your life to wasted.

Thanks for paying attention.

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