Showing Up Is Half The Battle When It Comes To Making Money Online

Making money online isn’t that hard, once you figure out what’s going on and what you’re trying to achieve. If just takes consistency, practice, and a deep understanding of what you’re doing and exactly how complicated it is. Having seen several aspects of the internet marketing world, I’ve come to the conclusion that making money online is not complicated at all. As a matter of fact, you can destroy the competition if have some guts and balls. Most people haven’t even shown up to the party yet. Here’s why there’s little to no competition when it comes to making money online, even in this world that’s more connected than ever.

Most people don’t create monetizable content

Most people don’t have a plan for how they’re going to monetize their content. This is because most people create content just for “shits and giggles”. It’s really crazy when you think of it, how much free content there is on Instagram and Twitter. People make memes, they run fanpages, and they even write entire fictional series over free social media. There’s nothing in it for them, and the only people profiting are the people who own the major social media companies. Most people never make money online because they never even plan on how to monetize their content. They just give it away for free.

Most bloggers don’t put ads on their site

Even I’m guilty of this. My website has no ads on it. This is because my website doesn’t have enough traffic for me to earn a living from ads. So… there’s nothing on the site. I don’t want my website to slow down or lag just for the hope of earning a few extra pennies. I’ll look into Ads when I cross the 1,000 view per month threshold. Most bloggers want to put ads on their site. They just end up giving up before its worthwhile, which brings me to my next point.

Most people don’t spend long enough creating content

If you want to make a living from your blog, you’re going to want between 200 and 400 articles. That’s if you’re running a normal blog with an RPM of $25 to $50. Blogs also need to be updated. Blogging is a full-time job. Look up “How many articles do journalists write every day?”. You’ll notice that skilled journalists are publishing an article once or twice per day and earning between $30,000 and $100,000. 250 to 500 articles per year is standard. If you want to compete, you’re likely going to need to put in at least a year of work to get your website to the point at which it can even compete with others. Most people don’t understand this, and they want to earn “passive income”. There’s really no such thing as passive income. There are only income producing assets, and even those need to be managed by somebody at the end of the day. Treat blogging like a job. Give yourself an hourly rate for your writing, and think about monetization around the 250 article mark, when you have a rough idea of what your traffic will look like.

Most people don’t sell a product

This is really an offshoot of my first point. Most people don’t even have a plan for how they’re going to monetize what they post. Even fewer make it to the point of creating and selling their own product online. If you can create a product after having created a lot of content, you’re in the money. Creating a product after creating a lot of content makes you both a builder and a seller. People who can both build and sell are always paid the best, because they don’t need outside creative help to run their own companies.

How can I “show up” and make money online?

Understand that some types of content are more valuable than others, and that content creation is a job. The written word is extremely valuable, but people underestimate how much writing is done by the professionals. Video content is also extremely valuable. You just need to get big enough to get sponsorships and brand deals. Once you are able to quantify the value of your content like a 9 to five job, you can do it. Just make sure you take an accurate stock of the situation. Sometimes people get wrapped up in false hope, or worse, they read about cases of standout success and think that those are the norm. Be realistic, do the work. Money should line your pockets within no time.

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