Yes, Men Can (And Should) Have Female Friends

There’s a really stupid debate that I’ve seen online. It comes up on YouTube, Reddit, and TikTok a lot, and is usually brought up by someone who’s fairly inexperienced, or fairly misogynistic. The question of whether or not men can have female friends is often debated nowadays, and the conversation seems to take center stage in popular culture nowadays. Unfortunately, it seems as though Red Pill and incel ideology have spread far and wide. People are not able to have great relationships with women, and so they create a problematic culture which stereotypes and otherizes them. This culture is really bad, and dangerous. It’s also incorrect when it comes to the general consensus on whether or not people can have friends of the opposite gender. You absolutely can have friends of the opposite gender, and you should. Despite what anyone may want to tell you, having friends of the opposite gender is the way

The “case” against female friends

Having lived in multiple countries and consumed a lot of Red Pill content, I’ve noticed that the case against having female friends often boils down to simping. Women in western countries are used to most of the men around them being simps. These men are soft, they have more money than sense, and female validation and sex are the most important things in their lives.

So why is this wrong?

It’s wrong because people are being clouded by the current social climate. They blame the women taking advantage of American men’s stupidity, but not the men for being stupid, or the culture for being self-hating. Men can and should have female friends, provided the environment is normal and natural.

It’s hard to attract women when you can’t talk to them like human beings

There are some exceptions to this. If you’re super good looking or super thugged out, you might be able to create an aura around yourself that allows you to attract women without having much by way of social skills. But it takes a lot of hard work, and you’re going to find it a bit exhausting. Learning how to connect emotionally with women will take you a really long way in life. It will also prevent you from getting cucked in the future. If you make some female friends, you’ll automatically start to get a basic sense of what women like, and which talking points work with them. That’s at the very least. If you become very good friends with some women, you’ll learn everything you need to know in order to make them feel comfortable.

You’re not going to be able to have sex with everyone you meet

Some people aren’t going to be down, others might like you but might be involved in a relationship that prevents them from connecting with others. Additionally, too many women on your line are going to tire you out. The idea of boxing women into “sex”, “work”, and “family” boxes isn’t realistic and doesn’t allow for much excitement or nuance in your life. Be open to everyone, to the extent that you’re down to cooperate and communicate with them. Just because you don’t see a potential usable hole, doesn’t mean you should discard or ignore people. Which leads me to my next paragraph.

There’s no point in making enemies, or missing out on potential connections

If you give every woman who isn’t platonically related to you the cold shoulder, you’re going to create enemies because you’re perceived as sexist. Any women you end up alienating would be right to dislike you. You are being sexist. You don’t know what someone has to offer, especially not in today’s world. Don’t look down your nose at women just because they’re women. Women have jobs, skills, knowledge, and friends. They all have the potential to help you, provided you truly just want their friendship. But don’t worry, talking to women doesn’t need to be 100% stressful.

Female friends can be fun too

You just have to be mentally balanced and not a simp. I have had female friends cook and clean for me. I’ve had female friends introduce and talk me up to their friends as a potential dating option. I’ve had female friends give me guidance on life and help change the way I think. I’ve also argued with those female friends, and I’ve never paid for any of their stuff or spent too much time listening to them whine about bad men. When I hang out with my female friends, we do cool stuff and help each other out. Like real friends do. How did/do I maintain this? With self respect, of course.

Self-respect is the most important interpersonal skill

If you have a high level of self-respect, your female friends shouldn’t be using you. Saying “no” to them should be easy and you shouldn’t feel as though having a female friend should be a one-way street. This means being direct with the women you want to have sex with, so that you never find yourself chasing after a girl who knows you have a secret crush on her. If you have a crush on a woman, you should let her know and try to make it happen. You shouldn’t be sexually harassing people or trying to win them over with gifts. This is where living in a country where prostitution is legal kind of pays off. That’s always in your back pocket if you need a quick release. Still, you should always have enough self-respect not to chase or hurt people. If you maintain that self-respect, you should be able to keep female friends.

If you’re a man, having female friends is definitely possible. It’s incredibly sad that we’ve come to live in a world that we think it isn’t. Having female friends adds a lot to your life. You just need to respect yourself. Later on, I’m going to write an article on how men should treat their female friends. But for now, rest easy knowing that it’s ok to have them. In the past, I didn’t enjoy having female friends. At first I thought it was an issue with women, but it really was an issue with me. I wasn’t picking the right people, and I didn’t have self respect. If you focus on doing those two things, you’ll have great friends of either danger. Ignore these aspects of your life and you’re looking at a host of interpersonal challenges. But even then, the proper response isn’t to write off a gender as a whole.

Thanks for paying attention.

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