You Can’t Skip Stages of Life

In life, there are a lot of people selling special courses and hacks. A lot of people want to get big results with little effort. This is often because they’re lazy. Humans are afraid of hard work, and many humans aren’t all that passionate about the work that they do. Sad, but true. Oftentimes however, the reason people look for courses and hacks is because they were sold a dream on life, and now things aren’t working out. They feel like they’re behind in life, and that they need a magic pill in order to achieve success. This can make them seem desperate and stupid. The truth of the matter is that you can’t skip life stages, so read this article before buying into a pyramid or get-rich-quick scheme, please.

The road to success is roughly the same for everyone

Most people are not standout talents. For most people, becoming successful takes a lot of effort and grind. You’re probably no better than most people. I’m a tiny bit better than most people. I’m able to write articles a little more quickly than most people. But I still need to do the work and write the articles. No amount of talent is going to make someone be able to snap their fingers and generate a bunch of content. You still need the discipline to succeed, especially when you’re talking about a long game like blogging. No matter how skilled you are at anything, you always have to do the work.

Experienced setbacks? Most people did. Adjust for your deficiencies

If you’ve gone through setbacks and struggles, you’re pretty much in the same boat as everyone else. This shouldn’t be a problem unless you planned on becoming some type of billionaire. If you’ve experienced a setback and are doing your best to pick yourself up, you’re likely not behind, due to the fact that everyone has experienced setbacks. Sure, being in the “top 1%” while being young and healthy while having a great social life might be out of the cards of you. But it’s definitely possible to win big in life, if you pick yourself up and stay focused. Know the areas in which you’re struggling and make adjustments for that. If you have a lot of money but are in terrible shape. Take a load off. You can always get healthy and make a lot of money, but a bit less. The same thing applies to your social and family life. Don’t neglect any of that.

Start young, but be patient

This is the real reason the ability to delay gratification is such a strong predictor of success. The earlier you start doing stuff, the sooner you break through certain milestones, and the farther along you’re able to get. It took me about 3 years to get to the point where I had a clue on how to build a useful and stable online business. Now it’s happening, and my project is well underway. If you start your projects young, you can make a tremendous amount of progress on your path to success. It will be incredibly painful, but come 25/26, you should realize that you’re well on your way to living a beautiful life. If you’re under the age of about 35 or 40 and haven’t been maimed or handed some absurdly long prison sentence, you have a shot at creating a great life. And even then, it’s very possible.

Accept reality

Learning to accept reality is something that a lot of people, North Americans in particular, need to learn to do. We live in an age during which everyone wants instant results. It’s really scary, because sometimes it can make you wonder whether future generations will even want to work. You need to accept the reality of where you are in life, and you need to focus on where you want to go next.

You can’t skip life stages. It’s simply not possible. If you haven’t developed emotionally, you need to develop emotionally. If you haven’t made money, you need to buckle down. This might be hard to accept if you haven’t buckled down, but it’s not hard to create a beautiful life if you’re hard working and consistent, even if you’ve messed up in the past. You just need to take things step by step and realize that good things compound. This means that while the fact that you can’t skip life stages might suck right now, it’ll be something you appreciate a lot when you’re successful. It means people won’t be able to just randomly steal your crown. You just need to buckle down and work. Don’t be afraid of stage one.

Thanks for paying attention.

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