If you have no skills, and want to make some money online, you can always try your hand at creating nonsense content. Nonsense content isn’t an official niche, it’s a name that I came up with. I consider websites and apps like Reddit, IFunny, and Cheeseburger to be in the nonsense niche. Nonsense content is the stuff we open to numb ourselves and pass the time. If you think you can entertain people and don’t have any ideas for a side hustle, try making some nonsense content. This can be with a blog, YouTube channel, or some other kind of social media plan. Making nonsense content can pay if you’re dedicated, have a plan, and are willing to put in the work.
Realize your RPM is going to be low
You can supplement your blog’s RPM with digital or physical products. This is a major boost if you aren’t making much from ad revenue. You should definitely create things like t-shirts, custom hoodies, and custom jewelry if you’re in the entertainment niche. Unless you have some sort of way of going super-viral on TikTok. And even then, you’ll probably want to add products to your catalog. Most of the money online is in E-Commerce.
Learn about adult advertising options, and understand what type of content you are going to create
If you want to create content that involves crude humor or even semi-naked women, you need to be prepared for the fact that AdSense might reject you. Familiarize yourself on adult advertising options and try to max out the RPM of your blog with other elements such as E-Commerce and affiliate products.
Value your time by the hour, not by the article
If you’re creating a bunch of low-RPM content, just try and get the most content per hour that you possibly can. Then work for 40 hours per week. This is how you make good money online with nonsense content. The good thing about low-RPM stuff is that a post is a post. You should know whether you’re onto something after 100 posts or so. Around the 200 range, you should have a better idea as to where your site is going. If you’re not getting organic traffic after 6 months and 50 articles or so, it’s time to start looking to social media. Value your time spent working by the hour and keep working until you can reach your goal. Social media postings have little individual value. You just need to put your head down and grind without thinking about how much content is being created. That will become apparent in whatever posting schedule you establish.
Spend time promoting on Instagram, Reddit, and TikTok
The great thing about posting nonsense content is that it has the ability to go really far on websites like Instagram. If you post a viral meme with 1,000,000 views, you could easily see yourself bringing in an extra thousand views per month. If you can build a big meme page, you should be able to drive consistent traffic to your site. This will be faster than SEO and will likely help your ranking. Funny content doesn’t hinge on reputation. This means that you should rank really fast simply by getting a lot of backlinks. You’re not competing with established doctors and lawyers to earn a living. You’re literally in a global popularity contest.
The positive: lots of traffic
If you’re creating entertainment content, you should hopefully be able to get a crapload of traffic. This is because, as stated above, the internet is for entertainment. When you have a lot of traffic, you get to learn. You can learn what people like, along with the psychology of what makes people tick. You will also have something to put on your resume and “brag” about. This can lead to more income as a result of consulting or contract work. Blogs about informative topics can be far more lucrative, but traffic levels can get dangerously low. Provided you know what you’re doing and make sure to diversify, funny content can be a great way to control a large segment of the internet. At a certain point, this segment of the internet can be translated into power and influence.
Funny content can be quite tricky to monetize. People look at these pieces of content very briefly before moving on with their lives. There’s no complexity, and there’s often no upsell. I’ve never heard of a meme-on-demand subscription. This means that you’re left with ads, affiliate programs, and merch. You’re going to need a lot of traffic, and you’re probably going to want to build a brand. But if can definitely be done if you hustle. Generally speaking, content creation involves getting over certain “humps” in terms of how much content you have released. Due to the nature of the internet (more than 90% of the value going to less than 10% of creators), the biggest predictor of one’s success online after which niche they’ve chosen is how much content they’ve created. Provided a basic level of competence, people in the same niche tend to get similar results. If you don’t have any ideas as a blogger or content creator, give it a shot. If you work hard, you should see results.
Thanks for paying attention.