Looksmaxxing: How to Do It in A Way That Makes Sense

Looksmaxing is one of the most bizarre trends to take over the internet if you think about it. Male attractiveness has always been a thing if you listened to what women had to say, but a lot of men are acting as though gaining physical attraction from a woman was one of the most complicated things in the world. Meanwhile in the past, people used to have no problem meeting up. Back in the 1960s, monogamy was enforced and standard, and the average woman was having 3 or 4 children. While the game (and cost of raising a family) has changed, you can certainly still win. You don’t have to be Brad Pitt to get by. If you look good and have an income, you’re well ahead of most men.

Step 1: Realize that looks maxing is a habit.

I can be a pretty attractive guy, but if I don’t put in effort, I sit in the 5–6 range. Why? Because looks are malleable. Your looks change from day to day and there are so many factors involved in what makes them change.

Step 2: Do what makes sense.

We all know that not all work has equal results. Making the big improvements is what will make you look the most attractive. So, when you’re looksmaxing, you’re going to want to understand what you actually need to change. People don’t do the research required, but thankfully I have.

Everyone focuses on height, but the first question we need to ask is which matters more: face or body? This has been answered in surveys, and you probably know the answer intuitively: face matters more for relationships while body matters more for hookups.

Step 2: Find a hairstyle.

Finding a hairstyle that fits your face can be a game changer. I’m a black male. If I let my hair grow out, I’m a solid 3 or 4. If I get dreads and keep them well, I’m a 6–7. A clean-cut fade has me getting attention from women in all age groups and from all different backgrounds.

Step 3: Learn how clothing fits and create a basic wardrobe that actually fits properly.

Keeping a simple wardrobe does a lot more for your looks than either thrifting or high fashion. Thrifting is ok if you’re artsy and already cool, high fashion works if you’re already popular or if you’re that kind of guy. If you hang out it social circles where people dress up, you can pull this off. Otherwise wearing simple clothing and looking like a hot, regular guy will keep you from looking strange and turning off certain women.

Step 4: If you wear glasses, find the glasses that fit your facial shape and hairstyle.

This will take a bit of effort, but it’s doable if you put in the time. I have a two-step process for this. The first thing you do is consult the chart below (original link here):

After you’ve figured out what type of glasses you should be wearing, take a trip to the store and see what you can get. If you want to be stylish, I suggest getting three pairs. That way you’ll have options that work with different outfits. You shouldn’t need to buy glasses for a while if you take good care of your stuff.

Step 4: Figure out whether you need to lose weight or gain weight.

A lot of incels don’t know that weight matters more than height for male attractiveness. It’s true. Don’t believe me? Check out this survey that was done of men and number of sex partners. You’ll see that the tall and big men did the best, but being small and jacked wasn’t a problem. This experiment was done in the United States. So that means that globally if you are taller than 5’1–5’2 you should be able to attract women. Incels might claim these aren’t “quality women”. This simply isn’t true. Look at Tom Holland and Zendaya.

For this step, you’re going to need to know your height and weight and have a rough understanding of body fat percentages. You can use this image for reference.

Now if you know your height and weight, go ahead and plug it into this BMI calculator. Your goal will be to get your BMI to 27.

Step 5a: Losing Weight

Losing weight as actually pretty simple, but it isn’t easy. To lose weight you must put yourself in a calorie deficit. This means that you are burning more calories that you are eating. If you do this, you will lose weight. Once you’ve lost the weight, it’s about maintaining good habits. If you need to lose weight, odds are you’re in the habit of eating too much. If you don’t think you’re eating too much, check the calories you’re taking in. A lot of junk food is really heavy. Use this to find out how many calories you need to take in to get to and maintain a target weight.

Step 5b: Gaining Weight

You’re going to want to get your BMI as close to 27 with as much muscle as possible. This might mean gaining weight, whether you’ve just gotten rid of your excess fat, or were skinny to begin with. You’re going to want to lift weights and eat a lot. If you’re just starting out, try stronglifts. Be careful and use good form. It’s better lift light weights properly than hurt yourself trying to go heavy.

Step 5c: Working out for aesthetics.

The perfect male body can be defined as ratios. If you get close to these ratios, your body will stand out and women will instinctively be attracted to you. This doesn’t mean they’ll automatically want to jump your bones, but they’ll be more drawn to you. As your BMI approaches 27, you’re going to want to do the exercises which work out the right body parts. You can find out what these are by researching on Google. I don’t want to recommend any group in particular. Bodybuilding.com is a bit packed and hard to navigate, but it’s a good place to start.

This is crazy. Don’t do this unless you’ve suffered some kind of injury. Almost everybody can find someone who appreciates them if they settle down and act normal. People are everywhere. Just because society isn’t dialed in doesn’t mean your world can’t be. You’ll see people with surgery enhanced looks succeeding, especially in your 20s. This won’t matter as much as people age. Being a good-looking “natural” guy will be fine for 95–99% of men.

The impact of money

Looks do matter a lot, but they impact the dating lives of either gender very differently. If you’re a woman, your attractiveness hinges more on your looks. I know it’s not politically correct, but it’s generally quite true. As a man however, sexual activity hinges on income and employment.

There are other studies from other countries, but they all say the same thing. The less money a guy makes, the less he’s getting laid. In order to get the most attention from women possible, you should aim to enter into the top 10% of income earners in your city or country (and be spending on experiences accordingly). Having seen how things change for people as they age, I would venture to say that it is better to be less handsome and wealthy than a broke 8/10 guy. Not all of the older men I’ve come across cared that much about dating, but most of the higher-earning ones I’ve met dated more attractive women.

Social skills matter most.

You’re going to have to talk to women to get them into bed. If you can’t talk to women, or you can’t talk to them sober, go back to the drawing board. Fix whatever internal issue you’re suffering with most before you go and date people.

Overall, this is pretty much all the looksmaxing you need to do to have a good life. Anything else might be nice, but there’s no purpose in being overly worried about how you look. If you look better than half of men and socialize better than half of men, you’re in the top 25%. Don’t stress.

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