I am a big, big believer in leaving the West. Things over there are falling apart in some pretty annoying ways, and if you don’t see it you’re probably a little blind. But I don’t think people who say “everywhere/everything is falling apart” are correct. The world is going through a tough period of transition, but things are actually improving, globally speaking. Overall, I’m an optimist, and I don’t think a lot of the downward trends being seen in the US, Canada or England are reproducing themselves across the world.
Global poverty was going down before 2019
This is something that should be blatantly obvious if you do something as simple as open Instagram Reels. There are people living pretty great lives around the world. Technology and increased cross border cooperation have done wonders for the global upper class, and allowed many poorer people access to modern technology. Before 2019, things were generally going well. If you were in a first world country and couldn’t see the improvements, that’s because you weren’t the focus. The poor people living in the global south were. Global poverty going down doesn’t just mean more people with TVs and cellphones. It also means
The world is overpopulated
This is at least true if we all want to live like Americans. That’s not a dig at Americans. They actually have a large carbon footprint. I’m not going to go into the science behind it. But if you want to get a lot out of life, you’re going to have to produce a lot. Right now, we aren’t able to stretch the planet’s resources sufficiently to have 9 or 10 billion people living fantastic lives. This just means we all have to work harder. I have it kind of easy, and in some ways I encourage other people to take the “easy route”. But I still produce. I produce articles that are designed to make people think and feel better. Perhaps I don’t articulate it well enough on this blog, but I do actually believe in producing things of value. Society needs more people who are willing to do the real work. If you own the assets that produce real stuff, you’ll have access to all the resources you need to live a great life.
All the answers are online
Sure, there are some cults and crazy people out there. But those guys are catching random people who were already very likely to get caught up in some nonsense. Generally speaking however, all the answers to your questions are online. Doesn’t matter if it’s money, fitness, or whatever you can imagine. You can generally find the answers to all of your questions online. Bad things can happen, but there are generally no excuses for failing.
A Lot of People Can’t Self Manage, and Fall Into Hopelessness
This is why things look bad. People are people, and it’s hard for a lot of people to live truly balanced lives. This is what’s causing most people in wealthier countries to feel hopeless. The world is becoming more meritocratic by the day, and they can feel themselves falling behind. I sometimes feel like I’m falling behind. I’m building a business that’s based on content creation, and I’m trying to make it a long-lasting business that generates a large amount of recurring revenue. This means I’ve had to spend 8 months working without getting paid. But I’m not falling behind. The content I’m creating will always be around, and I’m learning new skills.
Avoid degenerate behavior and always improve
The other side of self management is avoiding addiction, degeneracy, and other bad behavior. Most people will fall victim to some affliction or addiction. That includes myself. But the goal should be to keep working and always improve. The purpose of improving isn’t to show off or become “high status”. It’s to actually get the best out of life.
Overall, life is pretty simple, as far as I’m concerned. You just need to work hard, get enough money to live comfortably and take care of people around you, and make friends. This isn’t immediately straightforward, especially in a world with so many people preaching the most insane things about life, but it’s doable. Stay calm and do the right research, because the world is definitely not falling apart. Life is flourishing, as a matter of fact.
By Rising Current on .
Exported from Medium on November 8, 2024.