How To Be a Good Person

The terms “good” and “bad” are frequently thrown around to describe people. These terms are very black and white, but they’re often accurate. People who spend their days working and helping others, and we can agree that criminals who make the world less safe are bad. Life is full of nuance, but we do often know the difference between right and wrong. There is such a thing as being a good person, and being a good person had value. So how do we make sure to be good people, in a world without tradition?

Good people don’t harm others

This is basic. If you’re out there harming others, you’re not a good person. Karma is probably going to cause a lot of problems for you, but that’s a story for another article. If you want to be a good person, you need to be conscious of your actions, and make sure you aren’t harming people. This means physically, mentally, financially, or spiritually. Harm is the opposite of good.

Good people are considerate

This is why many smart people are good, and many evil people are actually just dumb. The ability to consider the world around you is a blessing when it comes to developing your character. Smarter people have a greater baseline ability to be considerate. That being said, I’m not predisposed to being considerate. I’m kind, but I’m not necessarily aware and emotionally intelligent. I’ve had to force myself to be more considerate as an adult. It’s hard work, but it’s what it takes to be a good person.

Good people are hardworking

If you’re just getting your start in life, you might need to live off of others. But generally speaking, good people do their darndest to provide for themselves and their families, without relying too much on others. The reason for this is that other people worked really hard for their money, if they have it. You want to push yourself to be able to provide for yourself. If you have kids, you should have started grinding yesterday. It’s ok if you didn’t. Start now in order to improve your life and relationships. The sweet spot for relationships is when you can provide a good life for your family without sacrificing relationships or doing anything for money that harms others. This brings me to my next point.

Good people actively help others

Connecting with others is an important part of being a good person. There’s no requirement to help people, but in order to be a truly good person, you’re going to want to leave your mark on the planet. You obviously want that mark to be positive, and not negative. The easiest way to leave a positive mark on the world is to help people. It doesn’t matter how you help people. You can volunteer, give career advice, cook meals for others. It doesn’t matter. Make sure you help others if you want to be a good person.

Good people think of their children

If you think ahead about what your children need and want, you’re a good person. It helps if you can think about what your children need in a holistic manner. It isn’t just about spending lots of money on them, or making sure they get amazing grades, or find athletic success. When you’re raising kids, you’re looking to raise healthy, productive, and happy citizens. In the past, the world was a lot poorer. But now that there’s more economic activity, you should raise your kids holistically. Think of your kids if you have them and try to make life as comfortable as possible for them.

What are the benefits of being a good person?

The main benefit of being a good person, is that you aren’t looking over your shoulder. Good people do get falsely accused of horrible crimes such as rape and murder, but it’s not very common, and the “good people” in these cases are often young and stupid. Over time, being a good person allows you to be self-confident and build the best reputation possible. Good people tend to be helped more, and they’re better taken care of. People respect good people and want to see them win. There are lots of advantages to being a good person, while being a bad person has a lot of downsides, mainly in the form of enemies.

Good people are not pushovers

This is an important point. Being good doesn’t mean being weak or being a pushover. Always try your best with other people, but you need to prioritize yourself. If you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of others. Find your inner strength, and learn how to tell people no.

It’s important to do your best to be a good person. It might not feel good or be super rewarding in the short term, but focusing on morality does pay off. It feels better knowing that you did everything right, or at least did it by the book. Doing bad things can feel good when we’re young, especially if we’re already filled with anger. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t regret it as you age. Most people who have brief phases of delinquency end those phases by 22 at the latest. By age 30, violent crime falls off a cliff. This is because by 30, people start to think. By 40-60, people are really thinking. You don’t want to be 40-60 with regrets. The way you avoid this is by being a good person. I know a few older people (80+) who are good people. They’re happy, and their situations are enviable.

Thanks for paying attention.

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