I’ve been chronically online for a very long time. It’s been interesting, and while I haven’t achieved as much as I would have perhaps wanted to, I’ve seen a lot of interesting phenomena pop up, gain traction, and disappear. One of the most interesting phenomena of this century is the passport bro movement. This movement was a dating movement that eventually turned cringe. It made sense at first. Using the power of the US dollar to create a beautiful household for your family in some poor country is a vibe if you can pull it off. But most people don’t have the strength to see their dreams through. Instead, weak men hijacked the passport bro movement and made it about sex tourism. Nowadays, most people want to avoid being passport bros, and that makes sense. Being a digital nomad is better either way. Given the current situation, I wrote this article to help men avoid being stereotypical passport bros when dating foreign women. I personally have moved a few times, and I’ve also traveled to typical passport bro locations. I think I’ve learned a few things, and can help people’s lives go more smoothly, whether they’re meeting foreign women in their home countries or overseas.
Forget about “bringing a woman back” to wherever you’re from
If you’re searching up articles like these, you probably are not the type of person to try to do this, but countries are not shopping malls. If you’re going somewhere to pick up a wife, you’ve already lost because you’ve already lost your mind. The only way you should be travelling with a woman is if you both decide to move.
Live where you actually want to live
Having a remote job is cool and a good start, but you probably aren’t going to want that be your only source of income if you’re looking to date foreign women. This means that for income purposes, you’re going to want to be connected to and involved in your community. So, unless you want to be absolutely miserably, try to move to a country in which you actually want to live. Don’t live somewhere you hate, or somewhere that just has pretty girls. Go for the place which will actually suit you and create a well-rounded lifestyle for you. Follow your mind and your heart rather than the hype, if you’re looking to move.
Date foreign women in the major cities of your country
Or wherever you can find them. If you prefer a certain look on your women, you really shouldn’t be moving. Finding a different culture can be tricky, but you shouldn’t live somewhere where you hate the culture anyways. If all you want to do is date someone who looks or acts different from the norm, change your surroundings within your own city. Dating isn’t a good enough reason to move.
Find work in your community that you can do
The best way to avoid being “that guy who travelled” to meet a wife is to find work in your community that you enjoy doing. This often means following your dreams while you’re young and moving while you’re young. This way, any move you make feels natural, and you’ll have a chance to connect with those around you through your work. When you have a good career, along with a good work-life balance, you meet more people, and your dating life expands. Wherever you are, try to find some manner in which you can actually get involved. As stated in other parts of this article, this will make the biggest difference as whether or not you end up wearing the passport bro stereotype.
This blog is my first business. I’ve done a lot of work on it and gone pretty far. But it doesn’t get me outside and interacting with members of the general public. This can be extremely painful when you’re young. Thankfully, I have an exit plan, and my hard work has been more than worthwhile. By having spent 4 years blogging and writing, I will have created the chance for myself to “be able to” make less money doing something else. This means I’ll be able to do the work I really enjoy as I get older, not just the work that pays a lot. Being able to do all of this stuff overseas will be a huge blessing.
Learn the language
Unless you’re really attractive, you’re going to need to learn the language in order to communicate with women, if you’re dating in a foreign country. Learning how to communicate with women will keep you from sticking out like a sore thumb or becoming socially isolated. You’ll be able to conduct business without interruptions, and speak to whichever women you want, when you want. If you’re still in your home country and have a foreign love interest, learning the language makes sense if you’re serious. You’ll be able to communicate with her family, and it doesn’t hurt to exercise the mind.
Integrate into the culture
If you want to avoid being the guy who is on the outside looking in, you want to integrate into the culture of wherever you are. Choosing the place where you want to live carefully is the key to this. Aim to live in a place that actually inspires you to live life. Don’t just pick some place because it offers you the opportunity to meet attractive women. Pick a place that you’ve learned a decent bit about and think that you could function well in.
Be respectful
This is one of the most important parts of avoiding the negative stereotypes that are associated with being a passport bro. The older you are, the more respectful you will need to be in order to maintain a classy appearance. Nobody cares if you’re dating overseas. The world is globalized, and people are looking at social class before they look at race, ethnicity, or nationality. Being respectful will make the difference in whether you’re perceived as a passport bro or just a guy living your life.
Aim for stable relationships
A lot of this centers around building a stable source of income, avoiding degeneracy, finding community, and perhaps joining an organized religion. If you want to avoid being a passport bro, avoiding casual hookups will make a big difference in both your self-esteem and in how others view you. Having stable relationships isn’t the same as simping for women or chasing them. I mean real relationships with real women. Focus on making those happen rather than partying and practicing your rizz. It’ll be much more fulfilling in the long run.
Don’t pay for sex
Paying for sex is the obvious passport bro stereotype. Don’t do it, if you want to appear different. This is pretty easy to do in most places. Even when its legal, prostitution is usually sectioned off and off to the side. You can just avoid it and not think about it, even in popular destinations like Colombia.
If you’re going to shit on the West, do it logically
Citing the “evil American women” as the reason why you travelled is super lame. It shows that you don’t have anything going on, besides being angry and dwelling on the past. I have a lot of reasons for disliking the USA and see little upside to living there, but there’s absolutely no way I’m going to spend all of my time focused on that place. As far as I’m concerned, I have four years until my dreams come true, given how hard and how effectively I’ve been working. Why would I waste time fuming about the west when I can just win? When I criticize the west, I try to back it up with data. I know less and less about the US with each passing year, so I talk less and less about the place.
The passport bros are right, in the sense that the American dream is best found overseas. This includes finding a wife/life partner. But a lot of passport bros are also super cringe. They’re all over TikTok, they’re angry, and they disrespect the women of the countries they claim to be escaping. Sometimes, they show “receipts”, aka cringe videos of themselves with attractive women. Some passport bros are more normal than others, but I can see why people want to dissociate from the movement. Thankfully it’s easy. Just be a normal person. Good luck.
Thanks for paying attention.