How To Write Good Articles and Blog Posts

If you’re writing online, you want to have a certain level of quality to your work. This is for two reasons. The first, is that you want people who see your online writing to like your work and come back to see what you have to offer. You want them to sign up for your email lists and buy your products. If your writing sucks, users roll their eyes and click to the next thing. The second reason you want your writing to be good is that you want Google to pick up your articles. If your articles are low quality, you won’t have any success. Google will be working against you from day one, and you’re going to find yourself suffering. If you’re blogging, Google

Have a search-friendly concept

You want the title and subject matter of your article to be something that you’re confident that people are searching for. This is the best way to research keywords would be using Google Search trends. There are software programs like Ahrefs and SEMRush that can help in this department. But those programs just give estimates based on extrapolations of Google data. Google Search trends can show you how popular a search term is. You can also tell how timeless the keyword is, as you’ll be able to see how much traffic it gets over a period of five years. If you have a keyword with a high score on Google search trends that’s been around for a while, you have a winner. Don’t write multiple redundant articles in an attempt to target variations of a specific keyword either. AI has made it so that Google is far smarter than that.

Do your research

I made this mistake with my article on Andrew Tate. I thought he was worth 9 figures, when in reality he’s probably only worth 8. This is because I didn’t do enough research. When you’re writing informational articles, you want to do as much research as possible. Know what you’re talking about. It makes everything easier. Where to do your research depends on the topic you’re covering. If you’re describing a self-designed process, all the information might come from your brain. In the business world, you might be able to get away with linking to consultancies and think tanks with some well-formatted citations. But if you’re involved in something mathematic, scientific, or school, you’re going to need to pull out all the stops. Learn to cite your sources, it’ll pay dividends in the long run.


You need to structure your content in your mind, at the very least. Most people need to pay attention and write something down. Whatever you do, you need to have a structure to your articles. You need an introduction and conclusion paragraph. You need a body to the text. The body can be made up of as many paragraphs as you need to get your point across, but make sure the whole article is well-structured.

Edit grammar and typos as much as possible

This blog has a lot of typos. I’ve also written 200 articles on it in 9 months. All that being said, I do use spell check, and I correct mistakes when I see them. The boilerplate software misses a lot of stuff though. I’ll pay for Grammarly when I can afford it. You want your writing to read as smoothly as possible. Doing a terrible job with grammar will turn your readers off, even if it’s for just one article.

Cite your sources and give links

It took me a while to get to the point where I was doing it properly in my articles. But citing sources and linking to them will help give your article authority. If Google knows you get your data from good, authoritative sources, then they know you’re trustworthy. The more trustworthy you are, the higher you rank on Google. This is common sense. Everywhere you look, you can see examples of people looking to combat misinformation. Learning to cite your sources as needed is very important, as was stated in previous paragraphs.

Keep it breif

People don’t have much by way of attention spans anymore. You want to keep your articles as simple as possible, while making them as long as possible. This means that every sentence needs to have a purpose. Don’t use extra words, especially not flowery descriptions, unless you’re following the piece of advice stated in the next paragraph.

Try to tell stories with your writing

People like to be entertained. They don’t like to be lectured. They don’t like to think hard. They certainly don’t like to work. When in doubt, tell a story connected to the concepts being discussed in your article. Show don’t tell. For the purposes of some articles, you might need a real story. You find these through research and life experience. Other articles are more easy-going, and you can make stuff up for the purposes of using metaphors. It all depends on what niche you’re in. Regardless, always do your best to entertain the reader.

Writing good articles is the key to making money as a blogger. Blogging can be an uphill battle sometimes. But if you create good content, you can always link back to your work and use it to make you money. Blogs are used to drive traffic, and that traffic can be used for whatever you want it to. The better and more informative your posts are, the more likely you are to be able to drive traffic to your cause. Thankfully, writing good posts is pretty easy once you get into the habit of it. To be honest, anyone can do it. It just takes practice.

Thanks for paying attention.

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