The unfortunate thing about making money online is that people simply don’t tell the truth. Most of the advice online about how to make money is BS. This is mainly because the people teaching people how to make money online are catering to escapist fantasies. While the idea of making a full-time wage while working only 4 hours per week from a beach does seem appealing, it’s just not a likely scenario. So, why does everyone claim making money online is not only possible, but quite simple and easy? As someone who makes money online, I can tell you that the logic is fairly simple, but this game isn’t easy by any stretch of the imagination. You should beware of any gurus are salesmen trying to tell you otherwise. You have to work hard and be consistent. You’ll also likely earn peanuts by American standards, even though this pursuit is very worthwhile. Here’s the truth about making money online.
Making money online is still quite tricky
A lot of people on Earth are quite poor. This means they don’t have much money to buy things online. When you’re thinking about buying and selling products that aren’t dirt cheap, you basically have the USA and Europe. Cheap businesses are easier to get into when it comes to how much you spend on inventory, but you’re competing against large conglomerates. You won’t be able to outdo them on the ad spend front. In order to get freelance work, you need a portfolio along with a few good clients. To get high paying work you need skills. No matter how you slice it, making money online is going to be harder than the gurus make it seem. Any gap in the market is bound to eventually be filled as people get smart. Take advantage of those, but don’t count on them. Digital nomads who didn’t learn a real skill are suffering right now.
Content creation is hard work
Content creation can feel like slavery sometimes. It takes a long time to set up your business, and it can feel like things are going nowhere for a long time. In order for content creation to make sense, you need to have a clear vision while being extremely resilient. You need to know your numbers and know whether the activity in which you’re engaging is worthwhile. Most good traffic comes from YouTube and Google. You should be aiming to get traffic from these two sources with your activity. Even when you’re targeting YouTube and Google, it’s going to take a lot of content for you to rise to the top of the heap. I’m talking about 100s of pieces of content. This is even true of short form content platforms like TikTok and YouTube shorts. There’s a lot of competition, and ad revenue doesn’t pay a lot. You’re going to need to have a certain level of consistency and grit if you want to set yourself apart.
People don’t want to ruin their competitive advantage
Since making money online is so notoriously difficult, people are loathe to give up whatever competitive advantage they may have. This is totally understandable, and you shouldn’t expect them to unless they’re in the business of helping you make money online. Nobody owes you anything, and its bad manners to expect them to give away years of hard work for free. So, you shouldn’t trust most gurus. They don’t really want to teach you everything they know unless you pay them a massive amount of money. Oftentimes, they don’t have anything to teach at all.
The easier it looks, the more courses “they” sell
“They” refers to any and all gurus. The easier these men make it look to make money online, the better off they end up. It’s really that simple. If you want to make money online fast, the best way is to (legally) convince someone that you can make them rich. Or if they’re an older woman, young and sexy. This is why people are telling you that it’s easy to make six figures on YouTube. Or that anyone can make $1 million from drop shipping. In my eyes, this isn’t much better than running a scam. There are no solutions besides hard work when it comes to being successful.
So what is the truth about making money online?
Well, the first is that going viral probably won’t make you rich. You won’t get the ad revenue you need to win. You need to focus on developing a real skill that helps the economy. Entertaining people can be that skill, but it’s a tough one to learn. Expect to be poor for a decent while if you go that route. Writing online is a skill, but even that can be tricky. It takes a lot of work and a lot of articles to succeed. You can make a good amount of money if you put effort into it. You can also make massive gains by outsourcing the content creation. If you want to make money online, it’s best to stick to a basic skill, and repeat it over and over again in a way that makes sense. Going viral is a skill, but it’s not a stable way of making money. You need to be constantly adapting if you want to make lots of money going viral. I personally chose the skills of writing and search engine optimization. I have a feeling these two skills will be around for a while. YouTube videos will probably also be solid moneymakers for the next little while. Other skills include computer programming, bookkeeping, and accounting.
Why should I still try to make money online?
So,4 making money online is hard, it takes hard work, and you have to be consistent. So why even bother? I have two answers for you: wealth and freedom. When you work online, you work for yourself and every piece of online content you create is an asset. If you have a successful online business, you’re making money in your sleep while working for yourself. It takes a lot of sacrifice, but it’s worthwhile if you stick to it, speaking as someone who is beginning to experience results.
Making money online is simple, but it’s not easy. You’re going to go through a lot of ups and downs. Setting up your first income source will likely take a decent while. It gets easier once you become proficient. Overall, I would say that it’s a worthwhile grind. You have the opportunity to earn money in your sleep while living overseas. I believe that this is the true beauty of getting into this hustle: creating the ability for oneself to live a life of freedom and relative comfort. It’s possible if you put the work in, but don’t allow yourself to be fooled by snake oil salesmen and gurus. They don’t have your best interests at heart, and you’ll waste a lot of time following. Don’t overcomplicate things. Pick a skill, apply it to the internet, and outwork everybody. If you can do that, you should find yourself becoming extremely successful very quickly.
Thanks for paying attention.