The Best Time to Publish Blog Posts and YouTube Videos Is Now

If you’re looking to release content, do it now. Sooner, not later. Get to work and don’t delay. A lot of the time, this is more important than creating good content. It’s also helpful that we’re living through a global recession. Inflation has shrunk a lot since the Covid pandemic, but it’s still pretty high. A lot of people are suffering and struggling to get by. Recessions are also times during which the rich often get richer. This is because they know which moves to make. While the masses are struggling and clueless, the wealthy find themselves able to choose their own success. How the wealthy choose their own success varies with each passing year, but some of the most important things being invested in are content creation and new media. This is because modern forms of media are synonymous with marketing. Even if tech is deflationary, modern forms of media are where most companies are going to get their eyeballs. This means that in order to have your stake in the new economy, no matter how large it may be, the best time to publish is now. Always. Start creating content and do it first. I highly recommend it.

The internet may be oversaturated, but it functions as the means of production for marketing

The internet is how you create attention nowadays. It just is the way that people operate. It doesn’t matter whether or not you have difficulty getting attention online. Declining traffic numbers are just indicative of the level of competition online. But don’t worry. Your failing website is a piece of internet real estate. As the world adjusts to lower incomes, you will find that your slice of the pie has more and more global value over time if you’re in gen Z. This means it makes a lot of sense to cultivate an online persona in today’s world. You’re basically carving out free real estate on which you can set up your own shops. As a result, you’ll rise and fall with the economy, rather than being permanently relegated to the status of consumer. Pretty genius if you ask me.

Online content is forever

This means that everything you post stays online for as long as your hosting provider remains in operation. This means that if you post, your content stays up. You want to have a lot of posts up, so that you have a truly massive content portfolio. I personally have spent over a year writing posts for Rising Current because I understand this fact. The sooner I rank, the more solidified my ranking is. I want to make my mark as soon as possible, before others do. If the internet is a city, I want to buy or inherit the prime real estate early. I don’t want to come in late and be forced into a sub-par region of the internet. In order to avoid this to the best of my ability, I strive to publish a lot of content very quickly, in order to get ahead of the game. The fact that online content is forever makes content creation pretty nerve racking. If someone figures out how to outcompete you, their work is forever. But if you outcome others, your work is also forever. Get to creating content, and the world is yours.

The sooner you publish, the more money you make

Your lifespan is finite. You just don’t know how long your life is going to be. This means that you have a limited time to make money from your content, no matter who you are. Publishing earlier allows you to rank earlier, which means you get to collect your cheque earlier. It also means you’re going to rank earlier, while crossing monetization thresholds and minimum payout levels sooner. This means that the earlier you publish, the sooner you’ll have the cash in hand required to do things like make investments.

Population decline will make content less valuable

There’s always going to be a limit to how much content people can buy. People need to live, and as a result need to spend money on the essentials. While population decline will make content creation less competitive, it will diminish the overall size of the market. You will still need to create lots of content to make lots of money. It will just be easier to start than if the global population is growing. It also will mean that all content you created in the past will be pushed to the forefront. You’ll also have fewer new people competing with you. Once you get over the hump, you’re in a very privileged space.

Population decline will make real estate less valuable

This is the real key behind why you should build an online portfolio. The sooner you get some passive income going, the more capable you will be of making decisions about how you want your life to go. While you might be poor in the short run while you build passive income, you’re going to experience a massive benefit over time. As real estate becomes more affordable globally, you’re going to find that having even the tiniest amount of passive income becomes immensely beneficial. Being location independent puts you in a league of your own in a deflationary world. Publishing is one of the most reliable ways to become location independent, whether you produce written or video content. As I mentioned before, this is because the internet is the means of production for marketing.

Taking a risk gives you experience

This is an important reason to give online business a shot, even if you think you might fail. If you can take the risk of starting a business and fail, you still have experience writing and creating content online. Don’t underestimate how valuable this is. Life experience is one of the best ways to learn about the world. If you have experience running a blog, website, or social media account, then you know how to do online marketing. This might not seem like a big deal, but it isn’t something to scoff at, especially if you’re from a 3rd world country. The more you know, the better you’ll do in other areas of business and life. Failure isn’t always bad. Especially if you were attempting something tried and true. You can always parlay that failure into experience.

Online business has a low overhead

This means it’s worth taking the risk with your time. Unless you’re sinking millions of dollars into a YouTube show, content creation should be cheap and easy for you. This means that there’s little downside to creating content in a part-time manner and putting it out there. Especially if what you’re talking about is in demand and has value. This means that often, all you need in addition to your social media profiles is a decent job. Anyone who puts in the work can enjoy an above-average net worth and live a beautiful life.

You can always stop whenever you want

This is the beauty of publishing content. Sure, you need a create a decent bit of it to stand out. But if you work long and hard enough, you can create a large body of work and just see what happens. This all depends on your income goals and how much you’re willing to risk. Me personally, I know I want to be upper middle class. I’m not willing to risk being much poorer than that, and I know I can get a job. This means that I will only be writing until my blog and content business earn me $1,800/ month after-tax, absolute max. This is because there are other, more proven ventures that I can invest in, both online and in-person. Content creation allows me to treat online business like a part time job. Just need to get over the hump and have a certain amount of content.

The best time to publish online content is now. Produce a lot of content and produce it quickly. The sooner you get that done; the sooner you make your mark on the world. The sooner you make your mark on the world; the sooner you make money. Or the sooner you learn that you suck. Content creation is a grind, but the math is clear. If the average content business is worth 2.5 times the amount of money that it brings in, then content creation is a great way to get ahead even for Americans. As a matter of fact, content creation might be the only way you can get ahead in certain economies in today’s world. Content creation offers a lot of earning potential and a high growth macroeconomic picture for people looking to earn a living. This is a lot more than what can be said for other industries, particularly in Europe and Latin America. So, if you’re on the fence about creating some content, get started, provided what you’re going to post isn’t offensive or inappropriate. Over the long term, I’m betting that you’ll find that your efforts were worthwhile, both for the sake of your finances and personal development. There’s no better time to start than now.

Thanks for paying attention.

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