Anger and bitterness are some of the worst emotions to be feeling. Not only are these emotions extremely unpleasant, but they also have habit of paralyzing you. When you’re bitter, the things you’re bitter about run through your mind. If other people are involved, you become overly concerned with the welfare of your enemies. Other times, anger has nothing to do with the people around us, but everything to do with how we’ve set up our lives. If you’ve been suffering from irritability, here are some reasons why that might be the case.
You Have Depression
About 5% of the global population has depression. It’s unfortunately a very common disease. Depression can have many causes, but no matter what that cause is, you must see a licensed professional. Your life hangs in the balance. I know it seems trivial writing this on a blog, but trust me, I’ve been through it. You will be glad you reached out in the long run. If you don’t feel safe talking to the people around you, try using Reddit. r/suicidewatch is the one I used to use when I was a teenager. They saved my life a couple times. If you have depression understand that it isn’t your fault, but it is your responsibility to get it treated. If you don’t, you risk dying a lonely death. Seek help and care. My heart goes out to you if you’re suffering from this crippling illness.
You Have Anxiety
Alongside depression, anxiety affects about 4% of the global population. Speaking as someone who’s very anxious, people with anxiety are often some of the most afflicted among us. We feel our anxiety in our bodies, and it leads to a lot of pain. In the worst of cases, panic attacks can send someone with anxiety to the hospital. I’ve been through it- the dry mouth and tight chest. It’s awful. The key to solving anxiety for me was learning how to breath. Once I learned how to take deep breaths even in moments of stress, I was able to regain control of my emotions.
You’re Greiving
Grief is something that can paralyze us. Losing a friend or a loved one can be incredibly detrimental to your health and wellness. It takes an incredible toll on your health and wellness when something like that happens. Your world is changed forever, and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you’re experiencing grief, finding a way to accept what happened and move on to the best of your ability is key. This is another area in which you should seek professional counsel if you’re struggling. As with depression, you would do well to make use of the internet if you feel like you can’t trust those around you. There’s light at the end of the tunnel.
You’re in One (or Many) Toxic Friendships/Relationships
Toxic friendships are draining, and toxic relationships are downright dangerous. Even friendships have turned violent before. Just ask this woman who was murdered by her “friends” on a trip to Mexico. When you have bad people in your life, your mind is under constant assault. If it feels like people are getting on your very last nerve, it’s because they are. Grow a spine, and you will find that your life will improve massively. Check out this podcast featuring Gabor Mate on the subject.
You Have Another Health Condition
Other health conditions can make you feel irritable all the time. These can range from issues like diabetes (which messes with your blood sugar) to brain cancer (which messes with your brain). You should use WebMD’s symptom checker if you think that you’re actually ill. Anything affecting your mood is affecting you at the neurological and hormonal level. It could be very dangerous.
You’re Poor
Being poor sucks. If you’re really poor you’re under constant physical stress and depending on which country you’re in may be at risk of illness or injury. If you’re reading this article, the odds are your wealth enough not to be in danger, but poor enough to feel the boredom and rage that comes with being unable to fully support yourself. Fixing your financial problems will certainly improve your mood. A good way to do this is by following me here on Medium and checking out my YouTube channel. I don’t have all the answers, but my content should be quite helpful to you.
You’re Too Much Of A Yes Man
This is one that isn’t always expected, but it’s covered in the podcast I linked above. If you’re too much of a people-pleaser, you repress healthy anger. This doesn’t only make you more bitter, but it’s dangerous to your health. As I said earlier, grow a spine, and you’ll find yourself being happier. I wrote a separate paragraph for this category in order to reemphasize my point.
You Haven’t Set Up Your Life Properly
Outside of health conditions and poverty, this is actually the number one reason why people find themselves bitter all day. If you’re doing things you hate, in a place you don’t like, around people who you don’t “click” with, you are bound to find yourself feeling drained and miserable. That’s even if you’re surrounded by good people who care about you. If you’re in this position, definitely follow this blog and check out my YouTube channel and make a commitment to start following your passions. Life is too short to allow yourself to drift aimlessly. Take control, and you’ll stop feeling like you’re being cheated out of your life experience.
By Rising Current on .
Exported from Medium on November 8, 2024.