Never Give Up. There’s Always a Chance

If I play my cards right, I’m about 3 and a half years away from being able to live the life I really want to. The one where I live in a warm country at all times and do what I want with my time. But it won’t happen if I give up. It won’t happen if I stop working either. It’s impossible to achieve your goals if you stop working at them.

The previous sentence seems simple, but it’s one many of us forget. With each passing day, we tend to let our dreams go by the wayside. It’s almost as if we’re satisfied with mediocrity, even though it makes life no better when we sink into comfort. In some ways, I think that comfort is a result of fear. When we fear success or fear life, we chose to give up and opt for the comfort of the status quo.

Other times, our reasons for giving up are more justified. We get fired, we fall on hard times with our loved ones, or we’re faced with an encounter with the legal system. Even then, it doesn’t make sense to give up. As long as you care about the outcome, there is no upside to giving up. And victory is always possible.

Keep going, press onward, see what happens. Don’t take life so seriously. You have no control over the future. It all comes down to chance. All you can do is work hard as hell and make the best of the time you have on this planet. Be happy and grateful for every minute, because we all die one day.

Most of us won’t face anything too tough. If you have time to read this, you probably won the birth lottery. That means you got to go to school for a bit and have a chance to work and earn a salary, even if it’s not huge. A lot of people are starving, or at war. Don’t give up on your dreams because of worldly roadblocks. Forge onward and make the best of this human experience.

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