The Ability to Be Alone Is a Superpower

The way things are going in today’s world, other people are pretty likely to drag you down. This is a hard thing to say, because humans are social creatures. But if you’re looking to make money online or create something great, being alone is a superpower.

I’ve spent the last 4 or 5 months being alone, and I don’t regret it one bit. In that time, I’ve gone from getting about 100 views per month on my blog, to hopefully going north of 2,000 or even 3,000 this month. If I don’t reach my target, it’s because my domain name is only a month old. I’ll be there soon.

I was able to create nearly 100 blog posts during the time I spent working. This didn’t take a huge amount of time writing-wise, but it took a lot of thought and creativity to execute.

Being alone allowed me to think things through better, and come up with an optimal solution to getting rich in a poorer country. I’ve decided to combine skills, and I’m on track to mastering 3 of them over the next few years. I should be able to “make it” this way with a decent bit of ease.

People thought I was crazy to avoid the great outdoors and focus on myself. They thought I had retreated, and some might have thought I had become unproductive. Well, there’s still a decent bit of time before we see how much my effort has been worth, but my online portfolio is beginning to “look like something”, so to speak. Being alone and having a clear head allowed me to do this, and being alone for a little bit longer will allow me to create multiple sources of income, out of this and other assets.

If you can’t be alone, you’re kind of like a leaf blowing in the wind. You kill time, you waste money. This is fine, if you’re ok with taking risk. I’m fine with taking some risks, but I’m not into risking my future. Not when I’ve already taken so many other risks up until now. Right now I want to be locked in and focused. The ability to flip that switch is what I think is a superpower.

I’m not totally alone. I have friends and family, and although people say I should go out more, I get out enough to run errands, walk around, and have conversations with random people. I actually know a lot of people in my local area, more than many. But being around them had little to no return on investment, and being away from them has yielded dividends.

My mental health has suffered from work I’ve done, but overall it’s been worth it. I think it will be even more worth it when I have over 100 articles and a few products under my belt. Once I have my tech certifications, my freedom should be secure as long as I stay healthy. The fact of the matter is that starting from scratch in a 3 world country is immensely difficult, and I’ve learned a lot of lessons about hard work and perseverance while doing it. The ability to isolate myself has allowed me to hone a craft, and put it to good use. This isn’t easy when you aren’t local to the country in which you’re living. It would have been much harder if I had been spending a bunch of time going out and partying. So basically, the longer you can be alone and self manage, the more you can learn and grow. It isn’t easy, but it’s worthwhile if you apply yourself.

By Rising Current on .

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Exported from Medium on November 8, 2024.

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