Dealing With Delusional Boomers

If you’re young, one of the biggest issues you’re probably going to face are the delusional boomers in your life. Delusional boomers are everywhere. Sometimes they mean well, other times they don’t. Being a boomer doesn’t mean you don’t know stuff. To the contrary, boomers have a ton of life experience. That being said, a lot of them can be out of touch, especially if they have money. This is normal, but it’s important for young people to know how to cope with and maneuver around this delusion, as it can really lead one astray during these rough economic times. A note of caution though. Not all boomers are delusional, and some are less delusional than others. Age comes with wisdom. Just because you think a boomer is wrong, doesn’t mean that they are. Regardless, here’s how you can cope with the general cluelessness that’s common in that generation.

Learn economics, business, and finance

Learning these three disciplines will save your life. Right now, a lot of people in the older generations aren’t paying attention to these disciplines. It doesn’t matter how much lip service they pay to these issues; they just aren’t. Learn economics, business, and finance, so that you aren’t left at the mercies of boomers’ poor societal decision-making skills. The fact of the matter is, that if you follow typical “boomer” advice, you’re highly likely to find yourself struggling more than you should. The job market has changed and so has the world. Not only that, but the boomer generation oversaw the cultural degradation of the West. Don’t listen to older people who tell you to follow your passion. That’s nonsense. Get to the top 20% of wealth. Fast. It’s worthwhile if you’re a man.

Realize that boomers are not going to do research about modern industries

They will have absolutely no idea how they function and will have no understanding of what the financial opportunities look like for young people who are entering them. As a result, they’ll steer young people away from growing industries and point them towards areas of the business world that are dying. This is catastrophic for many, especially those with an above average work-ethic and average levels of talent. A lot of these types find themselves struggling as a result of wanting to do the right thing and follow the path that is tried and true. Do your own research. After that listen to your elders.

Figure out what you want out of life

If you know the direction in which you’re headed, you’re going to be able to carve out a good path for yourself. You just need to be able to achieve what you want. Unless you have kids or parents who are very sick, you have no obligations in this world. If you can figure out what you want out of life, you’re going to be able to hone in on it. Convert unsolicited boomer advice into general wisdom that you can apply towards your goal.

Do the required research into your field of study

If you learn what jobs actually pay well, you’re going to be able to find out how to live a stress-free life. It’s all about learning how the world works and doing what’s required to get ahead in life. If you’re able to find a job that you love, even better. Life is great when you’re doing exactly what you want to do. Just make sure you’re able to earn enough money to meet all of your needs as well. Whatever you’re trying to do, it’s unlikely that following the boomer methodology will work anymore. Very few industries are as well-regulated as Medicine or Law. Learn about your desired field before you take any boomer advice.

Set strict, and high standards for yourself

I personally would like to be in the “top 20%” in my country by the time I’m in my 30s, wealth-wise. I could aim higher, and I might. But something I’ve noticed about people who live lavishly, is that they frequently don’t live balanced lives. Living a balanced life is also very important. I want to be healthy and have good connections with other people, not just get rich. This is going to take a lot of hard work. It isn’t easy to be both well-off and well-balanced. When you’re searching for success and are sure many others are in the wrong, you need to apply strict standards to yourself. Otherwise, you’re just lying to yourself. Judge yourself ruthlessly. You get paid for results in life, not effort.

Start your own business

You’re going to want to work for yourself in some capacity. It can take a while to figure something out, but once you have a side hustle, you’re way ahead of the game, especially in comparison to your peers who just have a job. When you start your own business, you give yourself control over your own income. When you give yourself control over your own income, you reduce your dependency on boomers and the system. This is incredibly positive. It’s better to be poor and have your own business, than it is to be rich and controlled by others, as far as I’m concerned.

Don’t be discouraged, provided you’re actually on track

If you’re actually making progress, there’s no reason to feel like you’re losing at all. Sometimes progress is slow and painstaking. It can feel like things are taking forever to unfold. But in reality, you’re making deep inroads on the path to success. I’m speaking from past experiences, but I’m also manifesting the future of this blog. If you see yourself making progress, keep going. Learn

Try to explain the logic behind your decisions when given the opportunity

Dealing with “boomer” takes can be really distracting, and it can put a real damper on your mood if you’re trying to focus on being happy and successful. But you can’t build empathy without understanding. Explain yourself when you can. You would be surprised by how much help you can get if you just ask. People can be very kind when they want to be. If you talk to them, they might want to be.

The phrase “ok boomer” became popular for a reason. Boomers are really, really annoying. Especially if you’re working hard and trying to get something done. That being said, boomers are people too, and they aren’t entirely malicious. With a little bit of emotional control along with some logical reframing, boomers be much less irritating, and you might even be able to use their commentary to your advantage. Just stay focused and keep an open mind.

Thanks for paying attention.

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