How To Choose a city to Live In (For Passport Bros)

If you’re looking to move overseas and date, you need to do it right. It’s the correct move to make, but if you want the optimal results, you need to be smart and use the right methodology. I’ve been to a lot of places in the world. There are attractive women almost everywhere. If you’re in shape, work a good job, have class, and have money, you’re going to be able to pull them. What really makes the difference is the lifestyle you’re able to live once you’re actually there, boots on the ground.

Are you for or against paying for sex?

The best cities to engage in prostitution are not the best cities necessarily date in. I don’t really know anything about that stuff. This is a methodology that is designed to help people “geomaxx”, or get the most out of their dating lives by moving.

The economy determines the dating environment

Women like good experiences, but they don’t care about your bling, when they have money. Your Versace cologne might help though, even if they’re also rich. Get it? Either way, when it comes to attracting women, you want the country to be egalitarian enough that a good chunk of the population is not financially struggling, and you want to be “wealthy” enough that you stand out. If you’re an American moving with some savings and no skills, you’ll need to evaluate the economic state of any country you’re considering, because you’re likely going to need to work. Don’t look at the average salaries. Look at wealth, Gini coefficients, and GDP per capita. Credit Suisse and UBS are where you want to grab your data from. You want a low gini coefficient, a low GDP per capita, combined with relatively high wealth, provided you have some skills and/or a decent chunk of wealth behind you.

Low cost of living = better experiences

You can live an amazing life if you’re making good money and live in a low cost of living area. A better one than if you’re just attracting by being wealthier than average. The good news is this means the average American who’s been working and saving for a few years should be able to move anywhere they choose to. It’s just a matter of being reasonably well off, compared to other citizens. You don’t need to go to the Philippines to make yourself look like a baller. If you’re going to move to a super-poor country like mine or the Philippines, do it while you’re young and still building. If you have a net worth of about $100,000, you’ve reached more than half the mean wealth of your average European. You can move to that continent, be a middle-class person, get in shape, and date attractive women. If you work just a little harder, you can become well-off in Europe, and date even more attractive women. All that being said, within the context of Europe (upper middle income and wealthy countries), you would want to pick the cheapest country that is still safe to live in. Once you have set your economic range, you’re going to want to get the cheapest option possible, in order to get the most bang for your buck.

If you have savings under you, don’t go to poor countries

I’ve written articles about how life is better overseas. I’ve also written articles about how life is better for people in the middle and upper class in If you’re under the age of 22 and have family in a poor country, heading home is doable, and better than living in the West. Otherwise, none of it makes any sense. Poor countries can make you feel rich because everyone wants your money. But the dangers are too high as you age. You’re dealing with countries that don’t have developed welfare systems, and since you’re older, you have leeway to fail. If you started your career in the west and feel the need to move to a super-poor country, you did something very, very wrong earlier in life. Sometimes that’s “ok”, in the sense that you’re picking yourself back up and want an opportunity to make a life. Nothing wrong with doing that respectfully. But it shouldn’t be the norm, at all. If you moved to a poor country just to be in the top 1% and have “lots of girls”, you have some emotional issues and perhaps just dislike real women who talk back and challenge you. Pulling girls by flashing money is super fun, but only for a short time. It’s not a way to live life.

Fertility rates matter, and passport bros bring them down

If you’re the type of person to move overseas for love, you probably are not going to do significantly better than the average person in your new country in terms of making babies. I hope it’s obvious why I say this. From what I’ve seen, the main countries that passport bros have overrun (namely the Philippines and Thailand) are experiencing plummets in fertility. This is because the problem with western culture is two-sided. The men are just as much at fault as the women. You don’t want to be involved in mainstream Western nonsense. Choose places that are off the beaten path and conducive to family life. Here are two hints. The Catholic Church and Western culture have done immense damage to the family unit, worldwide.

Don’t move anywhere based on how you think the women will look, move based on longevity, safety, and the economic situation/cost of living, if you just want to meet people

There are hot women everywhere. It’s just a matter of making yourself the kind of person who attracts them and is able to hold their attention. If you want to hold their attention, the first step is to get to a place where you can live a good lifestyle, the second step is to be as healthy and as mentally stable as possible. You should always be able to pull if you have these two things going for you. Obviously, if you like black women, try going to somewhere where there are black people. But choose the safest, most high-class area that you can afford. Why? Safe places tend to have lots of hot women walking around. It only makes sense. Women don’t like feeling scared, so why would hot women be outside in scary places.

If the city isn’t walkable, forget about it

Walkable cities mean people spend less time on their phones. Life is cheaper because people are driving less, and that permeates every aspect of society. People are outside, more sociable, and things are just better. This is why social life in Europe tends to be so much more pleasant than the US, despite the fact that European fertility rates aren’t high (fewer large families, more single people). Go for a walkable city, even if the city itself is large. You won’t regret it.

Wherever you go, you’re going to need to learn the language

I’m a natural language learner. Right now, I’m focused on making money, but languages are definitely my thing. I’m likely to employ those skills, and I have in the past. Not everyone is cut out to learn a new language. Be aware of the fact that if you want to move overseas (outside of the US, Canada, Australia, NZ, and South Africa), you’re going to need to learn a new language. So, if you’re not a natural language learner you’re going to need to either accept mediocrity or give up on this dream.

Moving overseas is the best way to improve your dating life, provided you’ve done the work. If you haven’t, it’s going to be hell. Part of doing the work is being able to pull women without throwing money at them. You don’t need to be a “rizz-god” if you’re better off than 90% of people in your country. Don’t follow the TikTokers and YouTubers who have spent more time arguing with women online than I have traveling. Follow my methodology, be a boss, leave the annoying west, profit. It’s really simple, but not easy at all. This is why passport bros are ridiculed. Most people don’t have the mental strength to be winners regardless of which country they live in. Be different so you can live well.

Thanks for paying attention.

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