How To Make Money Online: Start with Content Creation If You’re Young

Making money online is the way to win in today’s world. It’s hard work, but generally speaking, there’s no better feeling than sitting on your butt and watching money come into your bank account every single day without you lifting a finger. That being said, it’s commonly understood that content creation isn’t the best way to make money online. Software as a service, freelancing, and other types of business offer far more opportunities for quick and reliable riches. Being a content creator also puts you at the mercies of the different platforms. Almost everyone worth their salt diversifies, because they don’t have a direct connection to these companies. All that being said, creating content online is one of the best ways to build wealth if you’re young, for a variety of reason.

When you’re young, you’re poor

We all have different parents. But young people have had less time to earn money than older people. This is a fact, and it means that you can likely afford to spend time creating content. As you age, you become more skilled at certain things. You will also likely be able to invest your money into certain ventures and assets. If you own a house and it’s paid off, why take the risk that comes with content creation? It’s probably better to get a job and invest your money wisely than it is to risk going hungry or being late on property taxes in order to start a YouTube channel. When you’re young, you have nothing to lose. Content creation can’t hurt you. If you’re consistent, it’s almost always a guaranteed way to pad your wallet. Content creation is a skill of its own. Spending time creating your own content for little or no money is kind of like going to university.

You will have better instincts than most

People born after 1990 or so have a different understanding of technology from those before. People born in 2005 and after are absolutely deadly when it comes to mobile technologies and video editing. If you’re young and creating content, you’re probably going to have a better understanding of current trends than the middle aged and elderly. This means that all else being equal, you should outperform your older competitors.

You spend time on social media anyways

If you take the time you spend on social media and turn it into productive time, you will find that you can produce a decent amount of content. I probably spend an hour per day on social media. That content can pay you, even if it’s inconsistently created at first. You don’t need to be a good content creator to be better than most. That part comes when you hit your stride. Setting yourself apart from the masses involves being the guy who didn’t waste his time. Create some content instead of scrolling, chatting, or simping for women.

Creating good content is like putting money in your piggy bank (building digital assetts)

Emphasis on good content. Doing good work and leaving it on the web is the best way to create an asset in the modern world. Your work gets revisited by people, and you get paid as a result, provided the monetization channels are properly established. It can take a long time to monetize content, especially if you’re working slowly. But over the long run, content creation pays massive dividends.

Content creation put you in charge of marketing

If you own a content platform of any kind, and it’s able to reach paying customers, you have the keys to the castle. Without marketing and sales, you have no business. This is because without marketing and sales, no transactions will take place. The name of the game is creating a solid platform that is AI resistant. There’s no real good way to do this. It all requires forethought and planning, while keeping current with trends. I can make predictions about AI, such as the one that suggests blogging won’t die as a result of it anytime soon.

If you want to make money online, it’s best to start young. It’s best to start everything when you’re young. When you’re older, you gain more skills and get more comfortable with life. Suddenly the prospect of content creation seems a bit pointless, when you can just invest your money. Being a content creator is for the young. If you have a message and some time to dedicate to your craft, then being a content creator is for you. Being a content creator puts you in charge of marketing, both for your business and other people’s. You are in control of the eyeballs. Even if you’re involved in other things, growing some sort of online presence, beyond freelancing or buying ads, is a great way to get into the world of making money online.

Thanks for paying attention.

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