The modern world is on track to crumble, and it’s not because of anything related to aliens or kidnapped children. We’re living in a world of sin, and usury is a pretty destructive one amongst all of them. It’s pretty simple: to make the global economy run, the United States of America prints money, and loans it out. Most people like to use the US dollar, it’s easy and convenient. As a result of this, most people and businesses hold their savings in US dollar. Economists call the US dollar the world reserve currency. The debt created by the US federal reserve fuels new work and powers the global economy.
This would all be fine, if humans knew moderation. The Federal Reserve would modulate interest rates, and banks would lend their money to sensible businesses. This is far from what’s actually happening. For the past couple of decades, we’ve overfunded nonsense and scams. When I say this, I don’t mean that all or most businesses are defrauding their clientele, but rather that many businesses aren’t helping the world run better. How much destruction does alcohol create? What about cigarettes? How about the credit industry? When you look at the ripple effects of routine mistakes, I think it’s pretty obvious that we’re weirdly placed on the precipice of crumbling.
I’m not one of those doomers who thinks society will collapse. People are highly adaptable and will likely find a way to survive even in the most unlikely situations. But at a certain point, the age of easy money and large inheritances will be over. This is because it’s all being propped up by debt. It’s written in Deuteronomy 23:19 that “you shall not charge interest on loans to your brother, interest on money, interest on food, interest on anything that is lent for interest.” So lending and charging interest is antibiblical. I don’t know whether everything in the bible is an accurate retelling of the word of God, but it has a way of giving good advice and imparting solid instructions. Interest loans hurt both creditors and debtors.
Nowadays everyone is offering credit for everything. If you want to buy a house, you can get a mortgage, and in the United States you can deduct the interest from your taxes. You can also take out a loan for your car. Or any household item for that matter. This is making it so that everybody who taps in can afford lots of things, including those who haven’t done the requisite work. This puts an overall strain on the society, making it so that productive people have to work even harder for what’s rightfully theirs. To compound the problem, it also allows people to work unproductive jobs, as fake industries are packed full of productive and talented workers. Debt destroys societies, and it does so insidiously and in a sneaky way.
The main way to avoid having to take on debt is by keeping your costs low. If you can avoid drinking, drugs, travel, luxury items, or premature children, you should be ok. The problem is, that this is a tough ask. The things I mentioned before are all a result of the trauma that is caused by our society. People indulge themselves in order to fill the void growing within them. If we can all heal our internal trauma, we can fight this insatiable urge to take on debt, and improve society. Try to fight the urge to use leverage in your daily life, and rely on the force of your willpower. My favorite Twitter account, @bowtiedbull was the first to say something similar.
If you can figure out a way to avoid usury, you’re going to be able to go far economically. The thing about debt is that it always must be repaid. The people using debt to live large are going to suffer, and those using it to start businesses are risking their financial records and reputations. The latter can work for some in wealthy countries such as the United States, but generally speaking, this way of living leads to immense suffering. Building your assets brick by brick and watching yourself succeed is a far more secure way of creating income and wealth. If you spend 20 years building true assets without taking on debt, you should have 6–7 figures to your name when you’re finished. If you’re smart and take good care to protect those, you should be living a nice life, even if you’re technically spending frugally.
Things won’t change at the macro level if we don’t talk about the problem or vote. Bring up finances when you can. Try to remain grounded, living in reality. Uplift everyone you can by remaining down to Earth.
By Rising Current on .
Exported from Medium on November 8, 2024.