Sometimes, life gets monotonous. Other times, life gets draining. Oftentimes yet, it can feel as though life is going on and on and on, all without reward. This is sad when it happens, because we only get to have one life. If you work hard to live, you want to enjoy it. Sometimes, the way to live well is to change yourself. Other times, it’s by changing your environment. I’ve changed my environment twice, and each time it’s worked just about as well as undergoing a major self-improvement project. When you do both, you can win big. This article focuses on how you can make a change to your environment, using some basic tactics. If you apply these tactics, you should be able to make a change. All you need is discipline.
Know yourself
The first step to changing the world around you is to engage in introspection. The more you introspect and learn about yourself, the better you’ll be able to understand how to make changes to your environment. This is because you’ll know how to leverage your strengths, along with how to remain emotionally balanced and regulated. Additionally, you’re likely to become more self-confident, and project a more powerful image to those around you. Knowing yourself is always the first step. Trust me.
Know what you want
This is a bit different from knowing yourself, but it’s also important. If you’re going to make changes, you’re going to want to create an environment that’s fit to your liking. If you don’t know what you like, you have nothing. Get clear on what you want fast so that you can get to work. This applies to all areas of your life and lifestyle design.
Work harder
The fastest way to change, is to increase your work rate. The more you work, the more stuff you get done. The more you work at positive things, the more you achieve. Most people in wealthy countries didn’t work very hard, when I left the USA around 8 years ago. That might have changed now that times have gotten harder. Push yourself to the limits if you want a change. Try things and fail quickly. Double down on successes and capitalize on opportunities faster than your competition. If you’re able to do these things, you’ll have choice and influence.
Cut off old friends
If you’re yearning to change your environments, your friends probably aren’t helping. Cut off any friends who are hindering your progress. It’s hard and lonely at first, but you should see yourself flourishing once you cut off the wrong people. The wrong people bring you down, and stress you out. The time you spend with the wrong people also compounds. You’re wasting valuable time that you could have spent hanging out with the right ones.
Make new friends
Making new friends is hard, and you should actually do it very carefully if that’s what you’re attempting. The best thing is to have long lasting friendships that you can depend on. But if you want to change your environment for the better, make new friends. Make the right new friends. Doing this can help you learn about life and excel. You’ll be more like the people you hang out with, the more you hang out with them. Choose the right people in order to change your environment.
Start a location independent business
Starting a location independent business will give you the opportunity to curate your home environment and also change your home whenever you want. Location independent businesses can be tricky to start, mainly because the online landscape is always changing. But in today’s world, location independent businesses will always be possible.
Become politically active
Changing your surroundings at a macro level is possible. You just need to get up and do something. If you can change your surroundings at the macro level. Being politically active is the way to make this happen. Make TikTok videos, post on YouTube, maintain a blog. Make your views known and take pride in caring about your community. If you see an opportunity, run for office. If you’re politically active, you can make a change without moving or trying harder to make more money. This is probably the most underutilized strategy described in this article.
Leave your country (if you want to)
This is optional, but a great way to learn, grow, and drive change. If you can leave your country, you can make a drastic change, very quickly. If your mind is focused on the right things, you should be able to start fresh. Both times I moved, I was brought to a new level of consciousness. I learned about the world and my priorities shifted for the better. I was able to learn valuable lessons and get closer to being the type of person I wanted to be. I’ll probably move again, and it’s likely to be worthwhile again. Be careful when moving. Not all countries have a safety net. Try to also keep relationships if you can.
Take all the opportunities you can
This is one of the most important ways of being able to change, and curate your environment. I moved from the USA to Canada for college. I then took the opportunity to live with a family member overseas as soon as I could and was able to dedicate several years to becoming location independent. Now, I’m on the cusp of living exactly the type of life that I want. If I hadn’t taken these opportunities to move, my life wouldn’t have changed.
Your environment defines your existence. If you can create a good environment for yourself, life is great. Things are simple and bound to go well. If you don’t curate your environment properly, you’re in store for a life of suffering. Thankfully, changing your environment is simple. On the flipside, it isn’t easy. Changing your environment is possible, if you put in the work. But it takes time, along with lots and lots of effort. But it’s worthwhile. With each shift you make, the better life gets. Just make sure to do what’s necessary.
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